Thursday, August 19, 2010

Cloth Diapering

When I thought of cloth diapers, this is what I saw- pins and flats... I was 100% against the idea. The diaper didn't look nearly absorbent enough and I was terrified of stabbing my daughter with my unsteady hands.

While this IS a way to do it, it is absolutely not the only way to cloth diaper. When I found out so many of my friends we using cloth diapers, I decided to do some research. Surely there is an easier way of doing it, if so many of my friends were, right?

Researching cloth diapers is like researching parenting styles. There are a million different opinions (and you know what they say about opinions... Everyone's got one!) many different kinds; and a ton of resources to help you. It can be a little overwhelming. Especially when you are like me and know nothing about it!

What I found about cloth diapers both surprised and excited me. I was not expecting to actually LIKE the idea! I cannot give you an accurate review on any of the diapers yet, because I have to order them, but I will let you know what I think when I do get them. (I will be getting one-size fits all, pocket diapers.)

I found so much great information and I can even "speak the lingo," so to speak. (Go me!) There is more to this list, if you are interested. :)

All-in-one- AKA- AIOs. Most like disposables. As the name states, they are "all-in-one," meaning they don't require stuffing. Just take them off and put a new one on. Considered the easiest cloth diapers.

AKA- AI2. Very much like AIOs, but the "soaker" (absorbent part) is not attached to the whole diaper. Usually, they snap in, but they can also be sewn in. The pros to this diaper over the AIO is that you can replace pieces as needed and not an entire diaper.

Diaper Covers- Made of waterproof matierals like PUL, windpro fleece and wool. Used over flats, prefolds, contours and fitted diapers to provide waterproof layer. Not every kind of cloth diaper will require covers.

Fitted- Not waterproof, need diaper cover. Have elastic on the legs to keep in messes (much like disposables.)

Flats- See picture above. Rectangular in shape, made of a few layers of "diaper gauze." You will need to use either pins or a snappi to fasten these diapers. Also, not waterproof, you will need a cover.

Inserts- Absorbent material in pocket diapers. Come in many shapes and styles.

Prefolds- Low cost system. Like "flats" but they have a more absorbent center. They need to be folded and fastened with either pins or snappi. Not waterproof, will require cover. Shown here with a snappi.

Pocket Diapers Requires "stuffing" with an insert. Is waterproof (no cover needed!) and usually has a stay-dry inner lining. A lot of people like this for night-time for the inner lining and the ability to put more than one insert if necessary. Inside and outside shown so you can see how it works.

Snappis- I know I have mentioned snappis more than once. They are plastic devices that fasten the diaper together with tiny teeth. Can be used in place of pins and will not poke baby. They do wear out over time, though, so check them before each use.

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